
23-11-2010 20:28
Heya guys Im a bit confused still about the website and yes I did read the FAQ but im still a bit confuzzled :S.

I just completed a offer called Bingo Liner It said I needed to download the and register the bin liner software and play Bingo Liner.
I did everything but when it came to the play part pretty much all the games in Bingo liner you had to use your credit card. There was one spin game they said I get 20 free spins which i went for? does this mean I get the $1 credit on here for using the only pretty much free or trial game in bingo liner?

My second question is when in my offers they ask for paypal information what should be the info I should put? Im new to paypal also :S
Should I put the username of my paypal account that i use to log into paypal?
Sorry if im be a dum dum xD Thankyou for taking the time to read my post
23-11-2010 20:34

akshaysudesh wrote:
Heya guys Im a bit confused still about the website and yes I did read the FAQ but im still a bit confuzzled :S.

I just completed a offer called "Bingo Liner" It said I needed to download the and register the bin liner software and play Bingo Liner.
I did everything but when it came to the play part pretty much all the games in Bingo liner you had to use your credit card. There was one spin game they said I get 20 free spins which i went for? does this mean I get the $1 credit on here for using the only pretty much free or trial game in bingo liner?

My second question is after if I get paid where can I retrieve the money? I dont see anywhere where it says withdraw cash :S And I would like my payment method in paypal please :D which i see alot of people over the forum are requesting.

Thankyou for taking the time to read my post

When you complete a offer you must keep the page
of the offer you just completed up then go on the
user menu go to my offers scroll down to the offer
you have finished its in alphabetical order click
that offer then submit depending one if its a instant
offer which takes 24-72 hours before they pay you any
other offers in which is not instant takes up to Tuesday
to Wednesday weekly before you get paid.

23-11-2010 20:39
Well i closed it and now im opening it again. and im trying to subit my offer now But each time i try to sumbit my offer nothing happens isnt it supposed to appear in pending offer? and do i put my paypal username for paypal info?
23-11-2010 20:45
Yes once you submit a offer it would usually show has
a pending offer if its not showing up then you will
have to take that up with a admin
23-11-2010 22:29

akshaysudesh wrote:
does this mean I get the $1 credit on here for using the only pretty much free or trial game in bingo liner?

Yes, you get paid for trying it even if you don't make a deposit.

akshaysudesh wrote:

Should I put the username of my paypal account that i use to log into paypal?

You can submit your PayPal information only once, and once submitted it's saved in the system so you won't need to submit it again for future offers. You should include your PayPal email (the email you use to login to your PayPal account) and if you made a mistake contact us and we will fix it for you. Admin
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
24-11-2010 14:06
Ty very much you can lock this thread now if you like:D
24-11-2010 17:15
I am sure someone will lock it :-D

Good luck
Total Posts: 7