Business Cards category is still in tests, huh ? In the next 10 years it will probably be finally implemented here. Payments - 1 cent per 100 business cards completed.
janellaBusiness Cards category is still in tests, huh ? In the next 10 years it will probably be finally implemented here. Payments - 1 cent per 100 business cards completed.
janellaJust a reminder, because now everything is fine with CrowdFlower Tasks, and we can earn from here, but, anyway, there is any news about Business Cards Category ? This will speed up our earnings a bit here !
Thanks for the info up-date
ChatDexterThe long wait is almost over! I will follow up this thread.
LunaLightI don't see why people are in such a hurry, this website is REALLY old and it has been in progress and getting better ever since, it's obvious that everything is carefully planned to make sure it works properly without any bug, making thousands of threads asking the same thing is obviously not going to change or speed things up at all