Survey got not paid

28-04-2012 10:07

yesterday I made a total of 4 surveys. 3 daily and 1 normal. 1 daily survey got not credited, the other normal one is pending.

It is Samplicio-Germany worth 1.00$, done this yesterday and I pressed the submit button.
Still pending (since yesterday) is: MultinationalConsumerTechnologySurvey-DE

Ty, n300x.
28-04-2012 13:14
You will not be guaranteed that every offer you complete will credit. Although you may of tried your best efforts in order to receive your payments, some offer's which are higher ranged in cash or points are a lot more difficult to complete and receive approval for. In addition although your offer has been pending since yesterday, it maybe still inspection from the advertiser end in order to see if your credible for that specific amount also payments aren't received until Tuesday or Wednesday.
28-04-2012 15:08
Hmm okay...
28-04-2012 15:50
Some offers approve very quickly, but others can take a few days or longer.

Are you fully completing each offer and meeting all of the offer requirements? Each offer should take at least a few to several minutes each to complete.

There is a lot more information in this thread about offers/surveys :

How to complete them :

This may help with approvals.
28-04-2012 18:06
I completed them successfully and done this multiple (daily). So the first I done needed a few hours, the others a few minutes and now it seems like days^^

These are easy opinion surveys.
30-04-2012 16:49
Because you completed lots of offers in our site, as a good faith I will approve the missing ones for you, even though these were really not tracked (could be that cookies were not enabled even if you completed the survey successfully, could be you completed these surveys already in the past etc) - Anyway I hope that solves you query now.

If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
Total Posts: 6