Why am i not getting paid for succesfully completing offers

05-05-2013 17:05
For the past 5 days I've made a total of $10.63 (Its not bad. But I'm having a baby in a few months. Thats why I've invested day and night to make money)

The download and install offers seem like a pretty easy and straightforward offer, but how much hassle do you get from downloading unusual software on your computer if you're not going to get paid for it. Ok, so i have been paid for a couple, but not all of them. I downloaded a couple games (crashed my computer) and i still didn't get paid. (Btw they crashed my computer after the install had finished and i played the games for a bit, to make sure i get paid)

About 3 hours i downloaded and installed the "Frostwire" offer, and i still haven't been paid. Here's what i do for each download and install offer. Please can anyone correct me what I'm doing wrong?

So, i click the download and install offer, and i click download on the following page. I don't download it (I can't be bothered downloading it to my desktop) So, i just skip the download, and i go straight to "Run". I proceed to clear through the install wizard, and after its done installing, i wait a few minutes to see if the payment comes through. But still nothing.

If there's any tips or advise you can give me to make a quick buck easily or tell me what I should consider doing right.
05-05-2013 22:08
Dear Michael,

This thread will be useful for you: http://www.get-paid.com/forum/showthread.php?14975-Why-are-my-Offers-Surveys-Pending-or-Not-Tracked

The admins will do the best for you, sometimes the advertisers are hard to please... Good luck!!

Get-Paid Team.
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06-05-2013 09:45
I'm using the "Opera" internet browser. Is that makes any difference?
06-05-2013 16:52
michaelm9945I'm using the "Opera" internet browser. Is that makes any difference?

We apologies for the inconvenience. Please try changing your browser to Firefox/Internet Explorer but we recommend you to complete Free Offers/Surveys over download offers because they have a greater approval rate.

Get-Paid Team.
Total Posts: 4