crowdflower window size

26-10-2012 14:23
can the cf task window be opened in a new window when doing them because some tasks don't fit correctly like the 3pt adult task
27-10-2012 11:56
I think You can do this by right-click on the task link and choose open in new window/tab
Never forget about who you are
27-10-2012 16:39
Dear "lizzyk",
You are allowed to complete tasks while it opened in a new window,
As "Kasacz" said, you can do it by right-click on the task link and choose "Open in a new window".

Any further question?

Good luck,
Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
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27-10-2012 21:35
yep i know how to do it was just checking if it was allowed ty
27-10-2012 21:59
lizzykyep i know how to do it was just checking if it was allowed ty

You're welcome! :)

I have closed the thread,
Feel free to open a new thread for any further need.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
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Total Posts: 5