having problem with survey

25-11-2013 15:06
I am having problem with easy task surveys, when i click on survey it takes me to a new page with a basic information form, when i submit the form and click submit it takes me to the next page which shows following msg
"Please continue the survey by selecting Yes to the offers below that you're interested in."

there is nothing on the page.

Plz help.. !
25-11-2013 18:16
Hello numan,

Can you please provide us some screenshots and the name of the survey along with the URL its directing you to?

Get Paid Team
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.

  • -GPChatDexter@yahoo.com

  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
28-11-2013 19:08
I m trying to complete the survey in Matomy Section, when I click on the survey it takes me to a page asking for my email, on next page there is a basic information form, after completion of form when I click submit it takes me to a new advertise page, Please guide me through.. how can I complete my surveys,
! really be thank ful :)
28-11-2013 21:02
actually.. i Can't .. bcuz there is clause of minimum 15 posts to share an image in forum..
Total Posts: 4