i cashed out but didn't receive payment on my paypal account

18-07-2013 12:38
hello there , it has been a long time ago since i have made my first cashout but till now the payment is not yet listed on my paypal account can you please tell me why ?? furthermore, the amount of money was taken off from my account here but it didn't appear on my PayPal account !!!
18-07-2013 14:36
Dear "faridfred",
Normal payments are processed within 24-48 hours and Referrals payments are processed at Fridays. When did you withdraw your first payment?

Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
Click Here get redirected to our new FAQ's forum.
18-07-2013 17:04
hi there , thanks for replaying and about the question i withdrew my first payment on the 18th June and till now it is not yet shown on my paypal account!!!
19-07-2013 13:13
hi there , you didn't reply i'm impatient to see what you'll say to mee
20-07-2013 09:11

Are you sure the payment processor ID you provided us is correct? Please recheck all the information you provided us.

Get-Paid Team.
20-07-2013 15:20
hi there , what do you mean by processor ID ?? is it the payment method and the e-mail related to that or you mean something else !!!! i just wanted to add something , the cashout took place before my papal account was verified. does it have a relation ?? can that be the reason for preventing the money cashed out to reach the paypal account and if so can i get the money cashed-out back ?? please provide me with answers for my questions
20-07-2013 18:22
faridfredhi there , what do you mean by processor ID ?? is it the payment method and the e-mail related to that or you mean something else !!!! i just wanted to add something , the cashout took place before my papal account was verified. does it have a relation ?? can that be the reason for preventing the money cashed out to reach the paypal account and if so can i get the money cashed-out back ?? please provide me with answers for my questions

Dear "faridfred",
Payment processor ID means your payment processor email. Please check if you have provided us correct information. It doesn't matter if your PayPal account is verified or not, you can still receive the payments.

Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
Click Here get redirected to our new FAQ's forum.
21-07-2013 10:20
hi there , after receiving your previous message i became doubted that money earned from this site will never reach my account and i'm going to tell you why !!! first, the money i cashed out is not yet appearing on my paypal account . second, i won in a facebook contest held on your page and i didn't receive that amount of coins yet!!! four your question whether payment processor is correct or not , i tell you that it is correct 100% . i guess the problem is in your system and now i'm afraid to cash out the rest of what earn here due to this problem. finally, i just want to draw your attention to something , why every time i send the site private messages i do not get answers either here or on facebook !!!??
thank you.
23-07-2013 05:11

I have contacted admin about this & he will get back to you shortly. As of facebook missing bonuses. All facebook winners are awarded real time so I am not sure what bonuses you are referring to. Please Private message me with all the details & I will look into this further more I never received any Private Messages from you, So I am not sure as well on who didn't respond to you. We appreciate your patience.

Get-Paid Team.
24-07-2013 09:16
Hi Farid,

I understand you had to wait a long time for us to respond to you, however you did cashout $0.56 on the 18th of June and you are contacting us 1 month afterwards in July asking for clarification where is your payment.

It took us longer time to respond to you as we had changes in our website platform during these dates.
Your payment has been processed now, again, however as a guideline I would advise you contact us next time a few days after the incident and don't leave it 1 month behind because that could cause delays getting a quicker response.

Likewise generally I would advise all users to not contact us a long time after incidents.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.


Get-Paid.com Admin
Total Posts: 10