same paypal addy?

28-06-2008 06:40
my dad wants to sign up with this site but wants to use my paypal address as he doesn't feel safe/doesnt want to use his is this ok?.
28-06-2008 08:52
If he has the same IP he can't, you'll get banned ^^
But why does he want to do it anyway? XD
It doesn't make THAT much money (A)
And yes, he does have to use his :P
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28-06-2008 15:21
having another account requires, another computer with different IP address , home address, and a unique payment ID :-)
29-06-2008 09:45
why a different home address? how will gptreasure know?
29-06-2008 11:57
Your I.P. address is directly traceable to your house where you live, I.P. address provided by your ISP
29-06-2008 21:24
He can use your account to complete offers that you cannot complete. Or it's even fun to do it together :-D

No need to get to 2 accounts and then issues.
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