task error !

30-03-2012 05:14
luccardi'bee waiting for that, thx mod.

Here's the response from the advertiser:

"Please have your user log in to our support/community forum at:


There, he/she should create a topic and describe this issue. Our support team will read and respond to it there. **It is very important that he/she include his/her Contributor ID as well as the Job ID of the task on which these questions came up.** The forum has detailed instructions for how to find these two pieces of information" .
30-03-2012 12:26

There, he/she should create a topic and describe this issue. Our support team will read and respond to it there. **It is very important that he/she include his/her Contributor ID as well as the Job ID of the task on which these questions came up.** The forum has detailed instructions for how to find these two pieces of information" .

I'd like to emphasize that any member who has issues with the tasks should read the post above.
We cannot assist members with tasks as we only provide these but we don't control these, so if you have troubles with the tasks please pay attention to the post above.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.


Get-Paid.com Admin
30-03-2012 18:59
luccardi'bee waiting for that, thx mod.

Please have a look at this thread : http://www.get-paid.com/forum/showthread.php?14394-Trouble-Completing-a-Task

Topic Locked

Total Posts: 13