what happen with my payments?

19-09-2012 10:43
Hi Admin and Mod
Why i can recieve payment from matomymoney and payment wall?
The status say "Rejected"
19-09-2012 13:17
Hi andrewzell,

Matomymoney and payment wall are external offers so we don't control these offers.
You can ask to their support why they have rejected your offers, they will help you without the slightest problem.

Get-Paid Team.
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19-09-2012 13:20
I cant receive payment from payment wall too?
May i know the reason?
sagitariHi andrewzell,

Matomymoney and payment wall are external offers so we don't control these offers.
You can ask to their support why they have rejected your offers, they will help you without the slightest problem.

Get-Paid Team.
19-09-2012 14:12
Dear "andrewzell",
As "sagitari" explained you, we don't control the external offers including "Payment Wall" and "Matomy Money".

If you're sure you completed the offers as requested - you can report to them your problem and they might help you.
We also recommend you to clear cookies before you make an offer.

Please also wait for admin's response.

Thanks for your understanding,
Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
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Total Posts: 4