Please see:
Do not try to sign up with 2 users and refer 'yourself' - if we see abuse of this program we will stop it!
Members caught cheating will be banned from our website!
If a member generates a big number of referrals or generates fraudulent referrals or any type of suspicious activity with no value for us (e.g. most of the referrals aren't active) we reserve the right to refuse a payout and to void all of his referrals. Any other/similar abuse will cause the same result.
On another note very soon we hope to change our Referral scheme to pay by % and not just a fixed amount per user who register, and this would make life easier for all of us. For you then you won't get your referrals rejected, you will simply not be paid if your referrals won't participate and for us to not deal with type of questions of this kind anymore. We do hope this system would be out available as soon as possible. Admin
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.
Regards, Admin