wrong points value

15-09-2012 23:31
im gitting wrong points value for my task .. So i did 100 tasks today and every one have 5 pages ..

you said 10 TASKS pages = 1 point

i did 100 * 5 pages = 500 pages that is 50 points i only got like 10 points -- please fix these
NoNe JuSt HaVing GooD TiMe
16-09-2012 07:27
10 Tasks Pages mean= 10 successfully complete pages.
Task may include 2,4,10 pages, It is not point.
16-09-2012 20:38
10 Tasks Pages mean= 10 successfully complete pages.
Task may include 2,4,10 pages, It is not point.

then why just said 10 tasks - 1 point
why to add the pages word !
NoNe JuSt HaVing GooD TiMe
17-09-2012 02:32
majdquranthen why just said 10 tasks - 1 point
why to add the pages word !

Can you please be more detailed. We can't understand what your problem is related to. Please provide us more details.

Get-Paid Team.
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