Answer a question with a question

03-07-2008 08:07
is someone else willing to answer my question?
03-07-2008 09:43
I don't know, why would someone want to answer your question?
03-07-2008 20:28
well, do you want to answer my question?
03-07-2008 20:28
well, do you want to answer my question?
03-07-2008 22:57
what is your question?
05-07-2008 15:49
Do I want to know your question?
05-07-2008 20:35
Why am i so random? XDD
05-07-2008 22:12
How should I know?
05-07-2008 22:55
should i use a portable battering ram to break into a shop to steal some bricks?
06-07-2008 11:47
what if you can't find a portable battering ram?
Total Posts: 75