Answer a question with a question

06-07-2008 12:28
What if there doesn't exist anything like a battering ram?
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07-07-2008 05:04
how about axe going through a plank of wood?
08-07-2008 00:03
I'm still being random?? or am I??? :hmm:
08-07-2008 06:39
is there more to spamular modulation than spammy goodness?
25-07-2008 02:35
why are you replying about spam?
25-07-2008 02:45
Why did you ask him that?
25-07-2008 04:26
why are you questioning me so faulty?
25-07-2008 08:22
Why shouldn't I?
25-07-2008 09:56
Why should you not?
26-07-2008 15:27
are you crazy?
Total Posts: 75